... not made an entry into the indian market and VCR's/VCP's were considered luxuries (they were available on rent but had to be booked at least a couple of days in advance for weekends and at least a week in advance during vacations). ..... In Nassed you did not have such kind of scenes, but i still felt it was well picturized. Man is pretty good at the larger than life climaxes, and in Naseeb, the climax was really well shot. GD Star Rating a WordPress rating system ...
soooooo. in murcia, meiner letzten etappe vor dem ultimativen ziel angekommen. dummerweise weder couchsurfing noch iuhshoschdl moeglich (mir sinn voll- ich kann auch auf ner bank schlafen- neeeein). bhotels/b ab 50 oiroo! zu bloed und auch ...